A workshop for teachers and YA professionals, held by ALAN, the The Assembly on Literature for Adolscents of NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English).
I will be appearing on the Humor panel on Monday from 9:15-10:15. More details on that to come.
From the ALAN website:
The 2013 ALAN Workshop
We have some exciting announcements about the featured speakers and authors who will be at the 2013 workshop. Walter Dean Myers will be the ALAN Breakfast speaker, and Judy Blume will be receiving the ALAN Award. Also, the workshop will feature appearances from many wonderful young adult authors including Jack Gantos, Tamora Pierce, Nancy Werlin, Julie Berry, Gordon Korman, Neal Shusterman, Jeff Hirsch, Ellen Hopkins, Chris Crutcher, Lauren Myracle, Sarah Dessen, Alan Sitomer, Joan Bauer, Meg Rosoff, Gene Yang, Rainbow Rowell, Laurie Halse Anderson, Alexander Gordon Smith, Nancy Garden, David Klass, Ellen Hopkins, and Paul Rudnick.
The 2013 ALAN Workshop (with the theme "40 Years of ALAN: Celebrating Great Books for Young Adults") will be held in Boston, MA from November 25-26. This workshop will be a celebration of the emergence of young adult literature – both fiction and non-fiction – as a driving historical, sociological, literary and contemporary force in today’s culture. We'll celebrate ALAN's 40th anniversary with lots of photos, memories, and good cheer. And, as always, you'll find wonderful author and teacher breakout sessions as well.